Summer Rest

Monday, May 13, 2013 Posted by Unknown

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Last year, around this time, I invited you to take a Summer Road Trip. Did you hop on the R.O.A.D. with me? I sure hope you packed your bags and took that trip toward renewal, obedience, attack and discovery, but this year I'm inviting you to join me in doing quite the opposite and choosing to REST.

Yep, this workaholic, type-A doer is sending you an invitation to grab your flip flops, throw on your sarong and find yourself a sunny spot that's just for you. While you're there, doing nothing, here's something I hope you'll do...
  • Reflect. Take a moment to consider God's goodness and the specific ways He's been good to you. Say thanks.
  • Exhale. Breathe in, then slowly breathe out. As you do, make a deliberate choice to let go of any anxiety about the past or the future.
  • Surrender. Give it all up--whatever you've been holding on to for too long and everything you've been holding back from the Father. Just let it all go.
  • Trade. Take His joy for your weakness, His rest for your striving, His peace for your anxiety. Rinse and repeat.
I hope you know, in a real and tangible way, that the Lord longs to give you rest. If you don't already know that, I hope you'll discover a and accept that this summer (and in the seasons to come). Here's a visual reminder for ya--pin it, print it, pray it.

Daily Fast Fuel-Summer Rest (Matthew 11:28)

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