Mind-Blowingly Awesome Psalm 23:6

Wednesday, September 03, 2014 Posted by Debbie Legg

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Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

If you know me, you know I like to know Why.

This time, for this verse, I’m more interested in When.

I mean, I’ve got the Surely part down. Certainly. Reliably. Indeed.

Now I want to know WHEN will God’s goodness and love follow me?

The answer: All the days of my life.

Not some days. Not most days. ALL days. Not missing any. Not skipping a few here and there. No vacation. No potty break.

God’s goodness and love, following me and you, all the days of our lives.


And WHEN shall we dwell in the house of the Lord?

The answer: Forever.

Always.  Never ending.  Eternity. Also no vacation and no potty break.

Also awesome.

And BONUS, goodness and love will follow us… into the house of the Lord forever. (See how I did that?)

Because that’s what Heaven is (among many more things than we can’t begin to imagine). It’s goodness and love 24/7 (even though there won’t actually be 24/7). Heaven is where He is, and where we will be. Goodness and love have always been there, and always will be, because He is there.

And He is here. Around us. With us. Inside us.  So goodness and love have no choice but to follow us because they follow Him, in us.

That’s more than awesome.  That’s mind-blowingly awesome.

And since we’ve got When, we can now tackle Why.

The answer: He loves us.

Which is unbelievably mind-blowingly awesome.

Thank You, God.  Love you, too. 

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