The Color of Rest

Monday, September 09, 2013 Posted by Unknown

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So, I have to tell you that this week's look at the changing colors of fall represents an entire paradigm shift for me. I've traditionally looked at it as a sign of death. The leaves change color, eventually fall from the trees and end up on the ground, crunching under my feet because...they're dead.

As I thought about the challenge to write about what this change of color exposes, I realized that, for the tree, this change results in a season of rest. No more birds to nest, no more shade to give, no more oxygen to create. They finally have a chance to just "be" after  meeting the needs of others day after spring and summer day.

It was a light bulb moment and a reminder that sometimes it's okay for me to let my greens turn to brown in a season of rest and regrowth. Giving so much to so many for so long can definitely leave us drained. Let's invite and embrace the times we have to reboot. We'll be better for it when it's all said and done.

And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." Mark 6:31

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