Summertime God

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 Posted by Katie

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To me, Summer is all about taking it easy, going on adventures and belly laughing. A lot. I think these are three things that I tend to ignore when it comes to hanging with God.

I totally get the Winter thing…struggling through some challenge. And I get the Spring thing with its new life and all. And certainly the Autumn with all the change makes sense. But Summer?

Have you ever intentionally prayed for God to help you just take it easy with Him? To just relax and enjoy time with God, simply because He is God and He is fun?

Have you ever intentionally prayed for God to let you go on an adventure with Him? (And I mean one with no higher purpose than the two of you spending time together…not serving food at a shelter or heading out on a mission trip!)

Have you ever intentionally prayed to belly laugh with God? Me either!!

But I’ll tell you what. I’m gonna start!

I could really use some down time to take it easy, go on an adventure and laugh until my belly hurts. Good thing God is a take-me-with-you-wherever-you-go kind of God. That means he may begin answering my prayers right away whenever and however he wants. J

When does hanging with God feel like Summertime to you?
 Do Tell!

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