Discipline -- Spiritual Senioritis

Saturday, May 05, 2012 Posted by Debbie Legg

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“School’s out!  School’s out!  Teachers let the monkeys out!”  Goodbye study and stress and hello relaxing and renewing!

The approach of summer can have a serious impact on our relationships with God.  Either we tend to be so busy that God is relegated to a "When I Have Time (and I never have time)” item, or we find ourselves in a Senior Slump.   We’ve worked hard.  We need a break.  It’s difficult to focus on Bible study when beckoned to beaches and barbecues.
What do we do when Spiritual Senioritis creeps in?  How have we built discipline into our lives so that we can stay connected to God?  How can we renew our focus when everything seems to be telling us to unfocus?  

Before we Un-lax and Re-wind too much, the Kitchen Crew will spice up our dish of discipline with some savory summer flavors.  

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