Introducing the New You
Monday, May 26, 2014 Posted by Sara
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Adventure. Travel. Uncharted territories. The resonance of an epic life.
There is something so exciting about the NEW.
Oh for a life swinging through the nations, feeding orphans. Or inventing something grand. Or having a voice that incites life to the masses. A passport full of stamps, a nightstand full of your published writings, a facebook page churning with the photos of all your cute kiddos. Precious, precious adventures.
For the past two years my heart has been churning for great adventure. Desires pulling and tugging inside brought me to a precipice of choice about two weeks ago. I was completely primed, completely ready to simply jump. Jump into the unknown, believing a great story would catch me, and spin me out onto a great journey. There I stood, with faith to move mountains, the goodness of God before, behind, and all around. NOW IS THE TIME, I screamed within. Off to chase my dreams.
I placed my foot back on the ledge, turned around and opened my eyes. There was my old life. My 9-5, my late nights, my lack of passport. Stay? I asked the Lord. How could the old, ever be like the new? Adventure was right there, Lord, on the other side of that plunge. I want to fly, let me jump.
"Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence." 2 Corinthians 5:17
But now, with the goodness of God surrounding me in every direction, the old - became new. A new way of living had come into existence. Adventure now seeped out from the most mundane places. With my heart set on His promise to make everything new, and His character to always be good - my old life - came alive. The abundant life was here all along.
So often comparison steals our joy, it blinds us to the new life that is available to us now. Your life in Christ is an adventure no matter where you plant your feet. It doesn't mean you can't hope or dream for more. It doesn't mean you can't take a jump when you want to. But it does mean that adventure, beauty, satisfaction, and joy are not things you have to go searching for. They are here now.
Because they are found in Him.
He is the greatest adventure you will ever have.
May our eyes be opened to the new life we have in Christ!
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