What's New!

Sunday, May 25, 2014 Posted by Lisa

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School is over for most of us but that doesn't mean life lessons are finished. The same is true when we study and meditate over God's Word. His instructions don't end with familiarity. There is a mysterious and miraculous newness to every turn we take in our lives.  God is ready, willing and able to help us tackle every new adventure we face, no matter how big or small.

This week we'll share what the Lord has taught us about stepping into the new. New homes, new jobs, new roles, new states, new journeys. Perhaps you need a little encouragement for something new you've stepped into and would love to read how God might meet or lead you along the way? 

Join us every day this week. I know I'll be here soaking up every blessing poured out in words penned by my sisters at Daily Fast Fuel!

Lisa Arnold is your server today! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.