Communal Communion
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Posted by Katie
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If you love your sacraments
and the theology behind them, please feel free to take a moment to let that
sink in…and recover from the stroke I just gave you.
Truly I mean no harm or
disrespect to the sacrament of communion or the ordained persons who are
generally given the exclusive charge of it. On the contrary, my opinion of such
a “no holes barred” approach to communion has so much more to do with my
respect and honor of the practice. Jesus didn’t ask for much in the way of
traditions from his followers, but he was pretty explicit about the bread and
the wine. He asked that his followers to “do this in remembrance of me”.
And so…we oughta come to the
table and we oughta taste the freedom that Jesus offers us.
For me, this means that my
Lutheran-bred lips will go rogue and crash communion when I’m visiting a
Catholic mass. It also means that I will not explain denominational differences
to my 4-year-old so that he will “get” why he used to take communion at our old
church, but now he isn't permitted to at our new church. Nope, my son simply
goes rogue, like his Mama, and takes communion because Jesus asked him to. It also means that I am 100% behind families like Anitra's who take communion together in their home, even without the assistance of an ordained minister.
Lest I begin to sound like
anything goes when it comes to the practice of my faith, I will share that I
believe in depth of my soul that there is at least one firm rule about the
taking of communion: It should never happen alone. Communion is communal.
It is not just about
remembering. It is about remembering TOGETHER. For me, it’s the togetherness
that matters most.
Years ago, when my family
lived in England, we attended an International Community Church (a
denominational mix of ex-pat Americans), which met in the “cafetorium” of a
local British school. Someone once asked our pastor how it was that we could
worship there because it wasn’t consecrated ground.
Our pastor’s reply? “This becomes
consecrated ground when we meet here together.”
For me, it’s the
togetherness that makes communion holy. I mentioned a song last week written by
Nicole Nordeman in which she beautifully expresses my thoughts on the matter.
"Please Come"
Oh the days when I drew lines around my faith
to keep you out, to keep
me in, to keep it safe.
Oh the sense of my own
self entitlement
to say who’s wrong, or
won’t belong, or cannot stay.
‘Cause somebody somewhere
decided we’d be better off divided.
And somehow, despite the
damage done, He says, ‘Come.
There is room enough for
all of us...
Oh the times when I have
failed to recognize
How many chairs are gathered
there around the feast
To break the bread and
break these boundaries
That have kept us from
our only common ground
The invitation to sit
down if we will come…
(Listen here and be blessed)
Matthew once wrote,
“Whenever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I with you also.” When
we dine around the Table together, we do more than remember Jesus. We taste His
very presence and we are united by His nourishment.
Y’all come.