2013: Breaking Ground
Thursday, January 17, 2013 Posted by Sara
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If not for fireworks and a ball dropping in Time Square, I’m
not sure I would have paid the beginning of 2013 much attention. This is pretty odd for me, as most new years
I relish the feeling of a fresh start and seek God for vision and dreams for
this year. 2012 chewed me up in some
ways, and I think I felt a little tossed and turned, and spit out into
2013. I’m happy to be here…I’m just a
tad gooey. Anyone else?
Last week my roommates prayed over me and shared that they
felt like God had me in a season of sowing in tears- that my heart was breaking for many things, but His purpose was to birth bigger dreams.
I thought of this recently when talking about Noah
and the flood in my 3rd/4th grade class. One student
asked, “Why did God promise never to flood the earth again?” Another shared
that maybe it broke God’s heart to destroy His creation and He couldn’t bear to
do it again. Her response got me thinking of God’s perspective during the flood
– that He was watching His great dream; to grow a family after His own heart,
slowly unravel because of man’s sin. Maybe
the flood was a little bit like sowing in tears for God. In the end, though, it was the flood that led
to new hope, refreshing and cleansing.
I think this is what I’m holding onto walking into 2013: the
hope of breaking new ground. Sometimes
expectations go unmet and sometimes dreams appear crushed. But His peace and steadfast love brings news
of dry land, like the dove to Noah’s ark.
And as the psalmist reminds us, “those who sow in tears shall reap with
shouts of joy!” Pslam 126: 6
If 2012 found you sowing in tears, I encourage your heart
and mine that, “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end; they
are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
May this year be a year of breaking new ground, and dreaming
bigger dreams!