A Word (Or Several) For the New Year
Thursday, January 17, 2013 Posted by Debbie Legg
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word for 2012 was HOPE. God provided
opportunities to increase hope, seek hope, cling to hope, encourage hope, and
draw close to The Hope We Profess.
This year my word is STEADY. My first thought
about it was that 2013 is going to be a roller coaster ride! I looked for a verse and the one I was drawn to was Isaiah 35:3, Strengthen the feeble hands, STEADY the knees that give way. I get
the feeling that this will not be an insignificant year.
there is the word for the Daily Audio Bible community, of which I am a part.
That word is RHYTHM. As a drummer
and dancer, I definitely identify, and a STEADY RHYTHM makes my heart soar.
A few more came along when, inspired by my friend Corky, I choose three words as my goals (NOT
resolutions) for this new year. After
prayer and contemplation, those words are FINISH (my screenplay), PUBLISH (a bit of my writing) and PURGE (my house, maybe even following Flylady
guidelines of working 15 minutes a day).
those goals and themes, maybe if I STEADilY seek and work, with God’s Grace and
Blessing, I will find my RHYTHM.
I do know that, whether this year is a roller coaster ride or a smooth drum roll, God
is with me, in me, next to me, ahead of me and behind me. I will rely on His strength for my feeble
hands and His love to steady my steps.