Dream Detours
Monday, October 29, 2012 Posted by Unknown
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You'll only agree with me if you've ever had a big dream die,
if you're holding on to a dream that's been delayed
or if you've been close enough to touch a dream that seemed to quickly slip through your grasp.
I have experienced all of that, and then some. And, while I also know the joy of seeing dreams come true, I'm acutely aware of the fact that sometimes dreaming is Just. Not. Fun.
I mean, really, who likes to be disappointed? Who likes to wait? Who likes to see other people living their dreams (or living your exact dream) while you watch from the sidelines? Who enjoys begging God to help you understand why or grieving yet again over a detoured dream? If you're answering, "Not me!" you understand why I say, sometimes dreaming absolutely stinks.
Yet, even in those "stinky" times, dreaming is still necessary. Dusting yourself off and flexing your dream-muscles keeps you focused on the future and optimistic about what's ahead. When you keep dreaming through dreams that are deferred, you might actually learn a bit about perseverance... or patience... or surrender... or faith. You might also discover that those detours are divine, and that God does indeed have a real and purpose-filled plan for your life.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy. Proverbs 13:12