Ask for Dreams
Sunday, October 28, 2012 Posted by Joline
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I've always found the word "dream", when used to describe a monumental goal of some sort, to be completely cheesy.
"Never give up on your dreams!" Blech.
Until I turned 40.
Then, I was all, "Wait just a gosh darn minute! Why is it silly to dream about reaching some life goals that have been tucked away for years????"
So, I unpacked them.
Dreams are not pointless. Just ask Joseph.
I began to pray. To pray about who and how God had created me. To ponder how I could glorify him through reaching some of dreams I was afraid to voice. I began asking Him to help me pursue some fears and evict them from my soul.
Since 2010 I have watched God turn my life upside down by replacing my default fear mode with the courage to live. A new career. Being recognized in Pittsburgh for an acting role, taking a 20th anniversary dream trip with my husband, being just 3 months away from paying off every bit of credit card debt we have. These seemed so far away and unreachable before I asked God for help.
He designs dreams. He is the GPS to reach them.
Key word for both ascertaining and reaching one's dreams?
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