Life According to the Prophets

Sunday, August 19, 2012 Posted by Katie

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What are you, a prophet?

I honestly don’t know. You could be! There is much about the world of prophets I don’t fully understand. I have read the writings of the prophets in the Bible. I have heard there are prophets roaming around even today. I have heard of prophetic art. I have even been prophesied over as faithful folks have shared with me a word from the Lord about my life.

There is much I don’t fully understand about prophets. But there is one thing I do know.

They fascinate me.

Be they major or minor, the messages of the prophets can be music for the soul. This kind of "soul music" fascinates me so completely, I am eager to hear what my fellow writers here at the Daily Fast Fuel will be sharing this week as we write about LIFE ACCORDING TO THE PROPHETS. 

Read on, friends!

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