More than a Shepherd

Monday, August 11, 2014 Posted by Sara

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He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he refreshes my soul.  He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

As I ponder these verses again, and the one who shared them, I think of David, the warrior king, but shepherd boy describing God as the great shepherd.  A God who leads us to peaceful places, beside a constant flow of life, refreshing our deepest places all to boast in the goodness of His name. 

And all I can hear the Spirit say is, “I’m so much better than a shepherd.”

“You are not just my livelihood, like a herd of sheep I tend to out of obligation.
You are my passionate possession. 
My family.
My children.

I do not just lead you to peace,
I am peace within you,
A constant flow of life
From deep within.

It is my JOY to lead you in ways that bring you life,
My name declares that I am faithful and true.
That I am for you.
That I am with you.

I will shepherd you, care for you, guide you – but I am so much more than a shepherd. 
I am a Father.
I am YOUR Father.
A shepherd’s love is no match for father’s.”

As beautiful as David’s words have always been to me, I hear the nudge of the Father, “I’m so much better than David thought.”

Psalm 23: 2-3

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