I've Got The Joy Down In My...Where??

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Posted by Katie

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Every night the Pickard fellas and I pray that our house would be one of JOY. I don’t know which one of us prayed it first, but ever since then it has become a family prayer pursuit. We desire to have a house full of joy, where smiles come easily, and belly-laughing is the norm rather than the exception.

Remember that old children’s tune?

I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!
Down in my heart!
Down in my heart!

And so it goes! This is one of the most important things my family prays right now. It is important because all of us on this side of the Kingdom can have joy in a great many things…

our jobs
our school

Unfortunately when we have joy in any of those things, it can be great, but that joy doesn’t tend to stick around as consistently as we would like. You know it’s true. Think about it. If your joy is in money, what happens when the well runs dry? If your joy is in health, what happens when you get sick? Is there no reason to be joyful then? And if there is discord in the family? No belly-laughing? What if your job is rough? Or school has been a struggle?

The bottom line is this. If we want joy in our lives that will never go away, we've got to have joy in our HEARTS.

Remember the rest of that children’s tune?

Down in my heart!
Down in my heart to stay….!

There is only one Originator of that kind of joy. He IS that joy. And He will move it into your heart if you ask for it. That’s the kind of joy that will not waver. That’s the kind of joy that will ultimately keep you smiling and laughing no matter what waves of life crash over you. That’s the kind of joy that brings you strength.

May we all seek after joy immovable!

“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” - Neh. 8:10

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