Joy after Mourning
Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Posted by Lisa
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Look up the word joy in a bible concordance and you
literally will find hundreds of references. What I find the most fascinating is
that in most cases, Joy, comes after a time of deep trial or waiting on the
I have a friend who, for whatever reason, God answered her
pleas for her own child with a “no”. My sweet friend (I’ll call her Sharna) and
her husband began the long and difficult road to adoption. If you've ever been close to a person who is
going through the draining process of paperwork, interviews, lawyers,
searching, waiting...etc, etc, etc…then you can imagine what this couple was
going through.
A little over a year ago Sharna and her husband received
news of a potential match. As time went
on they were elated to have been chosen and began the preparations to welcome
their precious new baby girl. Plans were
made, the nursery set, blessing after blessing was poured out during the baby shower.
Everything was coming into place.
Then the very thing most feared by all adoptive couples,
happened. One week before this precious
gift of life was due to arrive, the birth mother rescinded. It was a devastating
blow to my friend and her husband, and to all of us. To make matters worse, well intentioned
individuals would say “It’s ok. God has a plan. There
will be another baby.”
I cannot even explain to you how crushing those words are to
hear when your arms ache to hold a child. In a quiet stolen moment, I told Sharna I
loved her and would mourn her loss with her. I told her to give herself
permission to grieve and to give her anger to God. He is wise enough to know
how to make something beautiful out of our broken pieces.
This past Sunday, on Mother’s Day, I had the privilege to
watch my friend Sharna and her husband hold their six week old baby boy during
a baby dedication at our church. I couldn't have been happier. I was filled with unspeakable Joy!
It is good to share our troubles with those we trust because
when we allow others to walk with us during our most difficult trials, we get
to share in the joy after and God is rightfully glorified!
My dear, you may be going through a hard time right now.
Tell a trusted friend. Walk together. Grieve
together. But also give thanks to God today because, "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy
comes with the morning." (Pslam 30:5)