Mornings and Fragrant Surprises
Monday, March 24, 2014 Posted by Lisa
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How can anyone forget about an event that always comes around? An anniversary, dental appointment, tax season, daffodils popping up right before Easter...or that God is never late. Ever.
Unlike me who totally forgot about my deadline.
But that is the reality of our loving Father. He does not forget. His faithfulness is guaranteed even if we forget to trust or believe He is actually aware of our winter season. Every single time.
Then all of a sudden, just like a Spring morning filled with dew, God has given us sweet gentle unexpected surprises of His fragrant Love. He reminds us that He never left us; we are never forsaken.
All this week the kitchen gals will be sharing with you how it feels to be filled with Father God's surprises.
Make sure to join us every day!