Surprised by Joy (Reprise)
Monday, March 24, 2014 Posted by Sara
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“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." John 5:24 NIV
She huddles on her knees. The ground below is damp with her tears and she rubs her arms to keep warm. The delicate white fabric of her dress does little to break the chill. The bride waits at the foot of the cross.
Day and night she weeps remembering Him. She remembers His pain. His suffering. His sacrifice. His body broken, His blood shed – all for her. This memory consumes her. Her mind is riddled with her own guilt and every poor choice that brought Him here. How could she ever be worthy of Him?
She weeps. She wails. She waits.
But His voice is there. It gently streams through the air in currents of truth and comfort. He is waiting for her to listen, to hear, and to rise.
Come away my sister, my bride. Arise and enter in.
For the cross is your doorway, not your dwelling place.
You will not forget the Way - you will not forget this door. But your gratitude towards Me is fully given when you live in what I died to give you, not by lingering here on your knees.
Consider the cross, but receive the resurrection, my beloved. For this was the joy set before me – to never be separated again and for fullness of life to be both yours and Mine. Dry your tears, my dove. Winter has passed and spring time has come. It is time to live as never before, for behold, I have made all things new! Surely you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. The good news does not end with the cross or a stone rolled away, but continues to unfurl to this day as My Kingdom comes and My will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
I am real. I am here. I am alive.
Ask Me again what I meant by, “It is finished.”
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