Marching On
Thursday, March 06, 2014 Posted by Anonymous
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“ ‘And when he finds it (her,) he joyfully
puts (her) on his shoulders and goes home.’ ” (Luke15:5)
“Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is
marching on.” I’ve loved the tune of this battle hymn since I was a
young girl in grade school. Every year now, I get to revisit it as a 4th
grade teacher. I pass out the not-so-familiar-song, attempt to carry a tune
long enough for them to catch on, sing through it once or twice with them, then
off we go. We march to the beat of the rhythm all around our school grounds in
worshipful prayer. This year we waved flags and ended in the hallways where the
5th graders (some of my former 4th) came out and joined
last week, our principal arranged to have the entire school—kindergarten
through 8th grade—surround the inside walls of the sanctuary. There
was a conference going on, and we were to march around one time, stop and pray
through the walls. We were to be quiet, as if it were a fire drill. Well, my
beautiful songbirds couldn’t hold it in. They began to sing—not the battle
hymn, but "Holy Spirit, You are Welcome Here." It was as if God had given them their own
“heartbeat.” They sang and marched on quietly in one accord, led by the
Spirit beating within their individual hearts.
I finish this up, I reflect back on the above verse from Luke and the story of the lost sheep. You may have noticed
Wednesday’s post missing. Yet, we “marched on.” Our sister-writer will be back.
For now, we are surrounding her with prayer in order for the unison of God’s
heartbeat to bring complete peace and healing. Jesus is holding her up on His
shoulders and marching on.