Heartclicks of God
Thursday, March 06, 2014 Posted by Debbie Legg
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God’s heart and mind to my own, a movie screenplay is in the process of being
couple of disparate ideas converged somewhere and conceived a question: What If? What followed was a year working
on another project, a year and a half of research and preparation, and eight
months writing the very very rough first
week, on Tuesday March 5 to be exact, I figuratively typed “The End” on my
first feature-length movie screenplay (I say figuratively because I just now
realized that I did, in fact, forget to type “The End”).
makes this about God’s heartbeat is that this whole process has felt completely…
well… anointed, I guess. I have had the very real sense of His presence, His pleasure,
His revealing, His peace. Each day--okay,
most days--have felt like an answer to prayer. This is one of the things I am meant
to do.
gave me the idea. He led me through the research, character development,
storyline, refitting a two-thousand year old story into today. In all honesty it’s
been more like taking dictation than writing (to paraphrase CS Lewis).
have felt close to God’s heart in difficult times, especially ones I did not
see coming. In times of extended
hardships He has cradled and carried me. This feeling of anointing—of doing
exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, exactly when I’m supposed to be doing it,
with and for and because of God--is all new.
will begin soon, then a few select folks will provide valuable feedback, then
more rewriting until finally this large part of my soul will head out to… to… to…
don’t know, but I bet it will involve clickclickclickclickclick.
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