Truth Be Told
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Posted by Anonymous
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admit. I don’t care for all the attention Santa
gets in place of Christ. The only figurine of Santa I display is that of him
kneeling. I wonder what he would say if he knew he got as much if not more
attention than the one he believed in.
be told, Saint Nicolas is said to have been the only son of wealthy Christian
parents who died in an epidemic while he was young. A devout Christian, he
wanted to follow the words of Jesus, and “give to the poor.” He looked for ways
to give away all he inherited to those in need. The most famous story about him
states he threw bags of gold through the windows of three girls destined to be
sold into slavery. He did it “mysteriously” in hopes of not being found out.
like the idea of “not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing.” Recently I delivered a cash jar to a family in need. My friend
had put it together and didn’t want the receiver to know whom it was from. It
was about giving without needing to receive
recognition. Her act of generosity stirred my thoughts. Who do I know in need, Lord? By the next day, I had my answer.
be told, if you haven’t already acted as a Santa to someone in need, ask God.
He’s good at answering prayer and providing for the needs of others through
willing “helpers.” Proverbs 18:16 states: “A gift opens the way for the giver
and ushers him into the presence of the great.” I believe St. Nick, the
gift-giver, is in the presence of the great