He's Coming!

Sunday, December 15, 2013 Posted by Anonymous

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This time of year is full of visits and visiting. We look forward to seeing family, friends, and “old acquaintances” as the song goes. With less than ten days left, children world-wide wait with anticipation. And as much as I hate to admit, I, too, find myself singing the words, “You better watch out, you better not pout . . .” In the busyness of it all, I try to redirect my focus; replace some of the words, "Jesus is coming to town"; and make sure my “heart prepare Him  room.”
            Too many of the traditions reflecting on the “reason for the season” have slowly been replaced. Just in the past three years “someone” decided it was politically incorrect to say those sacred words, “Merry Christmas.” It’s time to put the intentional back into the celebration of our Savior’s birth. How would it feel if the children you invited to your child’s birthday party arrived with the greeting: “Party-time,” or, “Where’s my gifts?” Instead of “Happy Birthday!”
            This week we will focus on the meaning behind the man Santa. Let's also “watch out” and put the “Merry” back where it belongs during Christmas by spreading the good cheer to all. Father God loves to celebrate his only begotten son by giving gifts to all of His extended family. One day we “will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD with power and great glory.” (Luke 21:27)

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