Meet Lisa Arnold
Tuesday, October 01, 2013 Posted by Debbie Legg
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Hello there...[knees knocking]
My greatest wish at this very moment is that you could be at my house and I would be giving you a tour of our vegetable and butterfly gardens. That way the spotlight would be completely off of this closet introvert and more on God's amazing handiwork around us. Don't get me wrong, our Creator is definitely worthy of awe and I'm certainly passionate about sharing all the places I see His handprint, but there is something to be said about my fear of being seen.
You see, this woman you are meeting today, grew up believing she was ugly and nothing she ever did could equal to being accepted by anyone. Bring in her God given talent of creativity and you have the perfect cocktail for a person to escape into the world of art and music and books and food and addiction. After all, if people can't see the real you, they can't reject the real you.
God has patiently taken years to bring me through some expansive deserts in forgotten parts of my heart and has healed the dry land with the watering of His Word and I have gained an understanding that I am treasured by Him. I am a passionate, fun loving, friendly, loyal, smart, beautiful Latina, wonderfully made daughter of the King, redeemed by Grace, who is loved by her husband, children, family and friends. So why am I here? Obedience. For months God has placed on my heart to be vulnerable and transparent in a more public setting and that I would be ok. I know He is with me and I do believe perfect love casts out all fear.
My first challenge to get a picture taken opened up old wounds. So while listening to Break Every Chain by Tasha Cobbs, I did it! Not only have you read my heart but now you see me too! Will you hold my hand as we visit every week and I share little nuggets of God's infinite love with you? I think I will enjoy hearing some chains hit the floor.