Power switch on
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Posted by Sara
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"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." - 2 Timothy 1:7
This week we are talking about "switching majors". My switch was more like a light switch that you turn on.
This fall, I switched on POWER.
God's word says I have a spirit of power - love- and self control. But for so long I've had that switch turned off. See, I know that I am a powerful person - confident, valuable, capable of great love. I feel it deep inside somewhere like a little furnace. But I have struggled for so long to believe it and walk in this truth. I wear timidity like a security blanket. I always thought it looked like humility - or others thought it suited me, like it went with my eyes or something. And sometimes, honestly, when people speak things over you for so long, you just believe that's the way it is.
God's word says I have a spirit of power - love- and self control. But for so long I've had that switch turned off. See, I know that I am a powerful person - confident, valuable, capable of great love. I feel it deep inside somewhere like a little furnace. But I have struggled for so long to believe it and walk in this truth. I wear timidity like a security blanket. I always thought it looked like humility - or others thought it suited me, like it went with my eyes or something. And sometimes, honestly, when people speak things over you for so long, you just believe that's the way it is.
I don't know if you can relate, but it feels I've had a bad mix tape cycling in the back of my mind for many years. It's top hits include, "Nobody wants to listen to you", "Be quiet, be humble", "You are what they say you are", "I see you, leader, let me get out of your way". I was never quite sure how to turn it off, so I admit. Sometimes I danced to it.
But this fall, by God's grace, He showed me the POWER switch. Turning the switch on isn't rocket science - it really comes down to focusing on God's truth- about me. What does the Bible say about me? What do I know to be true about me? Turning off the background track takes practice. I'm still working on that one. But I'm getting better. When situations arise that used to overwhelm me causing me to shrink back, I think again of the above verse - I have a spirit of power. I remember that God has equipped me for every good work He puts before me. And most of all I remember - He is with me - always.
We are called to be powerful people. We are called to be leaders (aka servants) in our realms of influence. God is able to do amazing things in us and through us.
You are powerful.
It's time to start happening.
Is your switch on?