
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Posted by Katie

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I can’t remember a time in recent years when one spiritual-transformation topic has hung so completely in my line of view. Selfishness.

I know I have mentioned it several times in the last few weeks, but honestly…it is STILL begging to be my main area of focus.

And with that, has come a shift in the way I approach my prayer time with God each night. Therein lies my switch in “majors”.

I used to major in petitions.

Can you please fix…
Can you please provide…

Now, I major in proofreading.


When I lay down at night, in the time that I used to spend asking God for so many things, I now feel God taking my hand and walking me through a review of my day.

He is talking. He is teaching. He is challenging me to look for evidence of selfishness.

And daggone it! We are finding it. Together.

Grab the red pen.
Circle that conversation…the one in which you could have listened more and talked less.
Little side note for that time you didn’t put your phone down.
Note that place you could have added in more undivided attention to your kiddos.


Proofreading builds stronger rough drafts.
Increasingly stronger rough drafts yield grander final copies.

Honestly, I’m glad I switched majors.

I think this one is going to open up more opportunities for me.

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