Blogging on Water

Tuesday, July 09, 2013 Posted by Unknown

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Four years ago, this past May, I set out on a little water walking. That was the day I began my first blog and wrote the first of my 1,534 blog posts. It wasn't much sooner that I'd discovered what a blog was. I simply knew for certain the Lord was calling me to it, so I threw on my rain gear and set out past the shore.

It may seem a small thing--writing a blog--but I'd like to think that in these four years, I've taught a few moms, encouraged a few hearts and brought a few smiles. I've trusted God to guide me through this wild and wacky adventure and I believe that I've seen His hand in it every step of the way.

Beyond that, this blogging thing has also blessed my family with some great opportunities and some fun stuff. Who says you can't have fun while you're answering a call?! And though I'm having fun, it's still a walk of faith. There is massive ministry to be made possible through social media and I cannot wait to see how the Lord uses me to help make it happen.

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