This Topsy Turvy Life

Sunday, June 02, 2013 Posted by Unknown

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There is so much about our Christian life that is absolutely upside-down.

We receive because we give.

We live because we've died.

We find greatness because we serve.

We find life as we lose it.

And, while these little conundrums make life interesting, they often prove to be a little challenging to live out. It's definitely easier with friends, and it's a good thing you have a few! For the next few weeks, we'll be sharing some of our challenges and writing about how we navigate the perplexities this topsy-turvy life. We're starting with the notion of how we find our lives by losing them. So, pull up a chair and let's dig in.

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. - (Matthew 16:25)

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