The Lord’s Prayer: A Meditation
Thursday, April 25, 2013 Posted by Debbie Legg
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Lord’s Prayer fascinates me. There are so
many rich and meaningful layers in only sixty-some words. I love how Jesus expertly leads our focus throughout the prayer—first from Our Father (intimate but heavenly, holy, ruler,
sovereign) to us (needy, sinful, weak, unable to save ourselves). What starts as praise and worship ends in
confession and humility. We are first
reminded of who He Is, then of who we are. Oh, how we need this! Join me in
this meditation on Matthew 6:9-13:
Our Father, (Creator of the Universe, God of Angel
Armies, Love Defined, and yet our Abba, our Daddy)
in heaven (Your created dwelling, a place of perfection and unimaginable
beauty, where we will one day join You)
hallowed be Your name (Holy, Perfect, Sanctified. I Am. Alpha and Omega. Love and Power exemplified in label, in word)
Your kingdom come (It’s not heaven on earth yet, but oh, it will be, in
Your time and in Your way. It is coming,
and we help bring it)
Your will be done, on earth as it
is in heaven (Your will is not always
done on earth, but You walk with us through life, making all things work for
our good, until heaven)
Give us today our daily bread (Our most basic provisions come as a gift from Your
hand. We cannot make it happen)
And forgive us our debts (We sin. We can’t earn
forgiveness. You give it when we ask)
as we also have forgiven our debtors (We choose to forgive,
because You forgive us. Nothing
they can do to us can compare with all You’ve done for us)
And lead us not into temptation (James 1:13-14, James 4:7, 1 Corinthians 10:13. You do not tempt us, but allow temptation to test
and strengthen us. How can we truly
choose holiness if we don’t have the opportunity to choose sin? Help us always choose You.)
but deliver us from the evil one (We cannot deliver ourselves from the enemy, nor from the
world nor our own sinful desires. Only
You can save us. Please, Abba, save us).
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