On Earth as it is in Heaven

Thursday, April 25, 2013 Posted by Sara

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The Lord's prayer was the first scripture I ever memorized from the Bible.  I remember recieving little gift books one Easter, one of which was the Lord's prayer complete with beautiful paintings of landscapes or sheep.  I can't quite remember.  

I grew up in churches that recited the prayer aloud during Sunday services every week.  Admittedly, the words for many years were simply mechanical.  It wasn't until high school when I began to dust off these precious words of Jesus and read them afresh.

What a gift to have God incarnate teach us how to speak with Him and what to ask for.  The power laced in these words is great.  

Over the last few years it is the words, "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven," that have caught my eye.  I imagine that God's will in heaven is always perfect, good, and accomplished.  I think of Jesus' request that we ask for God's will to be done on earth, like asking for care packages from home. If I pray for what God does in heaven to be released on this earth, maybe earth will begin to look a little more like heaven.  And maybe others will take notice - and discover the One who calls them home.

Where do you want heaven to invade earth in your life, today?

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