Elizabeth and the Other Advent Pregnancy

Sunday, December 09, 2012 Posted by Katie

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Continuing with our theme of the unsung heroes of Advent, this week the Daily Fast Fuel gals will be chatting with Elizabeth. She too, like her cousin Mary, had a rather surprising pregnancy foretold by an angel. Each of their boys would one day play an important role in the other’s life. And each of them would live out their destiny on center stage. But in the early days, Mary and Elizabeth were just cousins still reeling from the shock of unexpected expectancies. These ladies shared a quiet, and "off-stage", joy and wonder. 

Why did the gospel writer think it important to include their simple moments together so that we would read about them generations later?

Take a break from your Christmas preparations this week and grab a booth at the Daily Fast Fuel to see what the kitchen crew has to say about it.

See you there!

Katie Pickard is your server today! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.