What I Know About The World

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Posted by Unknown

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Here's what Anitra knows about the world:

  1. I am an ambassador here. I'm an alien in a foreign land--my residency is here but my citizenship is in Heaven. --2 Corinthians 5:20
  2. I have been commissioned here and it's my responsibility to preach the gospel. --Mark 16:15, John 17:18
  3. The gospel will be preached to the entire world before the end comes. --Matthew 24:4
  4. The world is dark place and it is my responsibility to be the light. --Matthew 5:14
  5. I should expect tribulation while I'm here, as well as opposition and persecution. --John 16:33
  6. If I'm not careful, the cares of this world will choke out the Word, leaving me unfruitful. --Matthew 13:22
  7. I cannot conform to the world and to ensure that I don't, I am to busy myself with renewing my mind. --Romans 12:22
  8. Jesus took on the sin of the entire world as an expression of the Father's love. --John 1:29, 3:16
  9. Regardless of the trouble I face here, I can be confident that Jesus has overcome the world. --John 16:33
  10. I have the potential to turn this world upside down for the cause of Christ. --Acts 17:6

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