God So Loved the World
Monday, November 19, 2012 Posted by Joline
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God so loved the world, that He gave.
His only Son.
That He gave. That He gave. That He gave.
But we are told NOT to love the world. Or, are we?
The world is a tricky place, no? So much temptation, yes? Only, it seems to me that we fall into the trap of loving the world, and allowing all its "stuff" to control us when we do the opposite of what God did for the world.
He loved by giving.
So, in my way of thinking, when we simply take, take, take: riches, fame, security, popularity, comfort, convenience, pleasure, entitlements, - go on, now, name a few more - we MISS loving the world as God modeled for us.
We are told not to love the world, and yet God loved the world. So, HOW DO WE DO AS HE DID on this one?
Perhaps do a "take" inventory . . . assess where you may be front-loading and stock-piling worldly "goods", and instead,
Give them back.