Go, God, Go

Thursday, July 05, 2012 Posted by Sara

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One of my favorite places to meet with God, hands down, is on the open road.  I think this developed during my season of living in Cairo, Illinois where a round trip to the grocery store took about 2 hours and visiting family put me in the driver's seat for a solid 12.  But I loved the time it afforded me to stop and just be with God.  Sometimes I'd be singing along to my favorite worship CDS, sometimes I'd be munching on a new sermon, but often I'd just start talking to God - or just sit and listen.  

Thankfully some habits die hard, because even though I live only five minutes from a grocery store now, anytime I hop in my car, I settle right into another appointment with God.  My car has become a sacred space. One I appreciate so much as I head to and from work everyday to prepare me for my day or help me unwind.  As my DFF sisters have shared this week, meeting with God is key to growing our relationships with Him, but what that looks like in each of our lives can be so different.  

What environment helps you connect with God? Do you connect more when you're outside in nature or tucked in your bed? Are you a journaler? Singer? Thinker? Artist? Do you need music or complete silence? Do you enjoy utilizing Bible Studies, audio Bibles, devotions, or do you like to camp out on a certain verse or book of the Bible for a while?  There are so many ways to connect with God, don't worry if the appointments that fit you best don't look like everyone else's.  Just know He's always got an open slot for you, anytime you need Him.

"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds." Psalm 73:28

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