Sunday, February 26, 2012 Posted by Joline
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You. Are. Loved.
You. Are. Wanted.
You Are. Pursued.
Have you read Ezekiel 34:11-15?
What? You haven't?
Oh, please do. And here's your assignment - in case you don't believe that you are loved, wanted, pursued, and desired.
How many times does the SOVEREIGN LORD state, "I will . . ." in that portion of scripture? (I'm specifically soaking in the New Living Translation at the moment.)
Funny, I recall my husband saying, "I will", ONCE, 20 years ago. (He has certainly followed up with many "I wills" since then, but that one in particular sealed the deal. You know?)
Then there's God. Who has promised He WILL even more than my sweet George.
And He made His promise to me before I was even born.
Now, THAT's desire.