The Challenge Card
Saturday, January 14, 2012 Posted by Katie
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Whatever the theme, whatever the goal, board games all tend to have that unlucky possibility of landing on a space or drawing a card that bodes ill. You’re going back three spaces. You hit a chute instead of a ladder. You are going straight to jail and you’re not passing “Go”. Whatever the case may be, a challenge has befallen you and your chances at coming out of the game a winner are now a little less likely.
In the game of Life – real life, not the kind with pink and blue peg people – we pull “challenge cards” all the time. Challenges are part of our everyday lives. But somehow, as people of faith, they don’t have to make us lose the game.
This week, our Daily Fast Fuel writers will share with you their reflections about our challenges in life and how they can affect one's journey of faith. We pray that our words will encourage and bless you, wherever life's challenges have taken you. Move three spaces forward and read on friends!