
Sunday, October 02, 2011 Posted by Angie

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His Presence

Have you ever had to confront a bully, or face a difficult situation, and you thought you’d feel a whole lot better if you had someone BIG to go with you? Knowing you have back up certainly makes you feel more confident and secure.

What about if you were to have some type of surgery…would you prefer a young doctor coming fresh off of his residency, or a seasoned physician who’s performed the surgery numerous times, and who’s prepared for any surprises that might arise? Of course your answer would be the one with the most experience. We like to put our trust in someone who knows what to expect, and has the ability to handle any situation.

Growing up in the church, I heard these words over and over again that describe God’s character: “Omnipotent”, “Omniscient” and “Omnipresent”. Over the years, I’ve learned what these words mean, but recently I’ve learned to appreciate them more than ever. Simply put, Omnipotent means absolute power; Omniscient means He knows everything, and Omnipresent means He can be everywhere at the same time.

Many times throughout the Bible God would comfort His people with the promise of His presence. He would say “Do not fear, I am with you”, or “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Deut. 31:6, Isaiah 41:10, 43:5, Matt. 28:20)

The promise of God’s presence means we have an all powerful, all knowing, ever present God who will never, ever leave us, no matter what. And because of that, He has told us not to be afraid.

angie Angie Mauer is your server this week! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.