How Full is your Glass?
Monday, August 04, 2014 Posted by Sara
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The Lord is my shepherd.
I have no lack.
Psalm 23:1
No lack. No lack. No lack.
Along my journey with God I've looked at this scripture and scratched my head at times. There are moments or seasons when I feel like I'm lacking - in joy, in finances, in patience, in discipline. Or I look at the world - the stories of suffering, of famines, of war. Surely we are lacking?
But I'm beginning to think perhaps, there is no lack, I've just been sleeping.
Unaware of the greatness and goodness of God which dwells all around and even within me, His kid.
I lack nothing because He is my shepherd. He takes JOY in taking care of me, in guiding me, in providing for me, in being present and moving around me and in me in ways I'm not always aware of.
He can handle all of my life, my questions, my confusion. I lack nothing in Him. He is a good Father.
Isaiah 6:3 "...The whole earth is FULL of his glory (goodness)."
Isaiah shared that the angels he saw in his encounter with God proclaimed the WHOLE earth is FULL of His glory. You can not hide from it. It's everywhere. Right now in your kitchen, your cubicle, your home. He is present. His goodness is resident. There is light and love there, even if you find yourself in a place that feels so dark. He is not a glass half empty, God. He has FILLED our land with Himself. He has even filled US with Himself.
When I think that the whole world is working against me,
I need to remember the entirety of heaven is conspiring FOR me, for I lack nothing.
You are a treasured son or daughter. May you feel His presence in your life today and His great JOY in caring for you. God, let us awaken to the FULLNESS.
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