Tuned In to His Heartbeat
Thursday, April 03, 2014 Posted by Anonymous
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this also my heart trembles, and leaps from its place.” Job 37:1
exited and discouraged, I slipped away from the meeting. It seemed the person I
asked to back me up ended up receiving all the kudos. (Even if rightfully so.)
had arrived excited about being able to share my new venture with
prospective clients. Being a beginner, I asked a fellow colleague to help explain the area of investing we were both involved in. Having years of experience, he answered questions with ease.
that he meant to take "center stage." He’d earned it, and I invited him. So
when I started to complain to God once I was back in my car, I
hear and felt God’s heartbeat.
may have been about the “earthly” business, but you ended up discussing
heavenly precepts.”
see, I met a young couple and shared my love for where I work as a teacher
(outside of my new venture.) They shared their mutual love for Jesus and
started asking about my students. Next thing I know, a non-believer is
listening in as I shared the prophetic picture a ten-year-old gave me just last
“Ms. Winberry, I see a huge tree shading
a small house. A builder is trying to make the house bigger but can’t by
himself. I feel the Lord wants you to know that He will help build your new
business.” And as God helps me, I go about doing what is natural. Just like my colleague shared intelligently about the ins and outs of private lending,
I shared an aspect of God’s kingdom —with both the saved and unsaved
tuned in to God’s heartbeat.