Running the Race, Going for Gold!

Sunday, February 16, 2014 Posted by Lisa

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All eyes were on her. She had already fallen once, as did her teammates. She was hurt but with an encouraging word from her coach, she places herself back into position. With the fierce tenacity known to champion athletes, she launches into a full sprint, racing towards the obstacle at top speed. Hands first, she hurls herself over the unmovable object, flying through the air and lands on her feet.

With the odds stacked against her, nobody believed she could do it but her coach did. To the amazement of all watching, she nailed it, broken ankle and all.

Some of you may remember the 1996 Olympic Gymnastics team known as The Magnificent Seven and the infamous Kerri Strug. Sheer determination, combined with her teammates’ accomplishments, all under the coaching of Bela Karolyi, USA won Gold.

We may not be Olympic athletes, I certainly am not. However, we are called to another type of race and just like the Olympics, it is an honor to join. This week, my teammates will tell you of a time when they felt the pressure and challenge of being a follower of Jesus but they followed through and became champions!

Go team!

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