Jogging with Joy
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Posted by Katie
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I don’t have an item...however, I do have a rather ordinary, involuntary reminder.
When I need to be reminded of His promises, the Lord has often simply made me laugh. Unexpected, sneak-up-on-you laughter.
In fact, it is laughter in the face of worrisome uncertainty, or anxiety-ridden stress, which reminds me that the Lord is in charge.
There have been many times, in the midst of some of my most challenging times, that the Lord has blessed me with a surprising and hearty belly-laugh. I love those! They remind me that despite my circumstances, Joy cannot be crushed.
Joy is like the final trump card. Life may be challenging, but if someone or something can make me laugh out of the blue, I remember that God is sovereign. He can break into the most fragile of situations and remind me that He has the final say on how things will go down.
Last week, my husband had a biopsy for a strange tumor that he has developed over the last year. I have tried to be brave and not worry about the future. We still have not received results, but God has broken into my story with comic relief many times. He has reminded me that whatever happens, Joy survives and will continue to.
I am grateful for this reminder. And I am grateful for the hope that is born out of the feeling of a grin growing across my face, and the delight of a chuckle growing within me.
Whatever you are facing this week, I pray that the Lord jogs your memory with Joy, leaving you refreshed and wiping tears of laughter from your eyes.
"These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." - John 15:11
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