Underwater Ninja Training

Thursday, July 18, 2013 Posted by Sara

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Though I am miles from the shore, this week I had a lovely opportunity to play in water.

Enter water aerobics.

I joined my mother to attend a class at her neighborhood pool.  As I took my position in my lane surrounded by beautiful women adorned with gray and white locks, I knew I was in the presence of greatness.  See, it’s here that an unsuspecting group of women who have walked through the ups and downs of life, bravely don their adorable bathing suits and gracefully do more tuck jumps than Shaun T. in all of his Insanity workouts combined. 

I watched these women as we exited the pool that day and thought, if you asked any of these women how many tuck jumps they could do in an hour, she would probably respond with, “None, dearie,” while lovingly patting her knees or hips.

Then she would give me a sneaky smile, and add, “But you should see what I can do in the water.”

It hit me as I was doing crazy ninja kicks in the pool that day how being submerged in water makes the impossible – possible.

I think the same is true when we submerged ourselves in God.  God’s Word and His Spirit are both referred to as water in the Bible (Ephesians 5:26, Acts 2:33, Luke 3:16).  I’ve noticed in my life, when I strengthen myself by staying in God’s word, connecting to Him in prayer, and recognizing His presence through His Spirit, then I am more apt to make decisions and try things based on His truth, and not my own reasoning. 

And sometimes, that means I get to do the impossible, too.

He can do immeasurably more than you could hope or imagine.
What are you trusting Him for today?

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