Baby It's Cold Outside

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Posted by Katie

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I mentioned last week that I remember moving from the big lone star state all the way up “north” to Virginia, where it got as cold as 32 degrees (shudder). Little did I know that a few years down the line I would be living in Chicago. There, I would be brutally introduced to a weather anomaly we Deep-Southers had never dreamed of: “below zero”.  I would start to understand why folks threw around phrases like “exposed skin” when talking about the weather. Let me tell you what. After them kind of days, 32 degrees feels downright balmy. Truth.

But you know what else? As much as I worried about how my little Cajun self would tolerate skin-cracking cold, I discovered that it’s all about what you wrap around yourself. I discovered silk long underwear. I discovered that one does not leave the house without a scarf, hat, and gloves (exposed skin, y’all). And the gloves weren't just the sweet knit ones your buddy made for you in her spare time…they were leather and lined so you could simultaneously be warm and grip your bitterly cold steering wheel!

When bearing a winter of especially brutal harshness, you can withstand just about anything, really, as long as you wrap yourself up properly. Truth.

What winter gear do you grab when you’re headed out into the “winter” of today? And what if you forgot your coat at home? If you found yourself shivering in the cold, would you deny the offer of your sweetheart’s warm jacket?

I’d take it if I were you. It’s a pretty good one.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with honor and majesty. You cover yourself with light as with a garment: you stretch out the heavens like a curtain.” Psalm 104: 1,2

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