Five Reasons Not to Pray
Tuesday, April 09, 2013 Posted by Unknown
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Since I know my awesome co-writers will give you plenty of reasons this week why you should be praying, I thought I'd jump in and share some reasons why you shouldn't even bother. I can't say the list is exhaustive, but it's a start. Have some reasons of your own? You absolutely must leave me a comment! Here we go...
Five Reasons You Shouldn't Bother Praying
- You don't believe. Why spend the time asking God for something when you don't really trust that He can, will or even should do what you're asking?
- You're not even sure if God "does" what you're asking Him to do. The word and will of God are central to prayer. If you don't know what God is willing to and capable of doing, it's difficult to know what to ask Him to do.
- You enjoy working hard and getting little result. If you're in the habit of toiling with no expectation of success, your time is better spent worrying and working rather than praying.
- You can get things done in your own strength. Strong, independent types who champion self-reliance have no need for prayer. If, in the end, you prefer "making it happen" on your own, prayer will only serve to derail your efforts.
- You don't really want what you're asking for. Some folks are just comfortable with barely getting by. You ask for provision but really think we should struggle financially. You ask for health and healing but really believe sickness is the way it has to be. You ask for "better" but you're really satisfied with mediocre and mundane. You ask for answered prayer, but deep inside, you fear what that answer might require of you.
Do you see yourself in this list? Even as I write, I'm examining my heart and hope you'll do the same. My prayer is that your prayers are not being hindered by these issues or any others. I really am interested in your reasons people shouldn't bother praying, so don't forget those comments!
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