We'll Leave the Light On For You

Sunday, December 23, 2012 Posted by Joline

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I'm about to go a bit Debbie Downer on your manger scene . . .

I'm apologizing right now. Only because we like the traditional dramatic story of Mary and Joseph showing up at the Inn and being denied entrance due to the facility being full.

However, I have questions.
Joseph was returning to his HOMETOWN.

So where were his relatives and why wouldn't they immediately take in the couple - especially since Mary was "great with child?"

And, while, yes, the Bible states there was no room in the Inn, there is actually NO mention of an Innkeeper. He always gets such a bad rap.

And did Mary and Joseph find private lodgings? Yes, there were animals - but were there others who couldn't find lodgings? Did they share the space?

I know. I'm a wrench in the story!

Whatever the details, we know this.

God found them a place.

In a desperate time, God found them a place. It may not have been the upper room of an Inn. It may not have even had four walls. It may have smelled like animals. And hay may have been a pillow for a weary head. But God found them a place.

It was all part of a perfect plan.

Another reminder that sometimes, many times, most of the time, our plans are NOT His plans.

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