Who I Didn't Vote For
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 Posted by Katie
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Me too.
And because my life’s leadership comes from three different,
but connected sources, my gratitude is three-fold.
I am grateful for God the Father. I am grateful that I am his
intentional creation, His subject, and His daughter. I am grateful that He gave
me life, a Kingdom to be a part of, and a love for me so deep that he takes
care of me like a Dad should.
I am grateful for Jesus. I am grateful that He made it
possible to relate to God as a friend would regard a friend. I am grateful He
tore that old curtain in two (Mark 15:38). I am grateful that he walked,
talked, loved and lost, just like me. I am grateful that he walks, talks, and
loves today.
I am grateful for the Holy Spirit. I am grateful that its
mysterious presence in my heart is what gives me the ability to forgive,
endure, grow, change, and evolve. I am grateful that the Counselor is there to
give my heart hope and peace beyond all reason.
Most of all, I am grateful that I don’t have to decide
between the leadership of these three persons, now or ever. I will be led and loved by the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit all the days of my life (this one and the next).