What I Know About The Trinity

Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Posted by Unknown

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I am Mom. I am Wife. I am Daughter.

When my kids yell, "Mama," I grab my Super-Mom cape and I leap into action. When my husband says, "Honneeyy," I turn in his direction (no cape required, of course). When my own mom calls to remind me how long it's been since I've called, I absorb the guilt like a good daughter should. They call a different name, but it's always me who answers. Each of their "calls" pulls me in a different direction--putting a specific demand on my attention and drawing power from me, if you will, to address their specific needs.

And, while I also have a few other names (and wear a few other hats!), these three top the list. I am always Mom, Wife and Daughter. Wherever Anitra is, "they" are there as well.

In essence then, I am three people in one--similar to the way God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit always and at the same time. It's a very human interpretation of the Trinity, but it's one way I've managed to begin to grasp this mystery. It only scratches the surface of this deep and glorious concept, but it's a scratch that has helped me see God for who He is.

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