An Inside Job

Thursday, November 08, 2012 Posted by Sara

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Admittedly, I am far from close to understanding the trinity.

I find there are different times when circumstances draw me to consider one of the God-head.  When provision comes through, I tend to think of my Father God, Jehovah Jireh- the one who provides.  Jesus  tends to have my attention when I'm about to embark on a new task, adventure, or dream as I long for the one who is "closer than my brother" to join me on my journey.  And when scripture comes alive or someone gets healed, I think of the one on the inside job- Holy Spirit.

Knowing Holy Spirit has always been a bit harder for me to get my head around than knowing God as Father or Jesus as friend.  I mean, isn't it incredible that INSIDE us can dwell the very Spirit of God that raised Christ from the dead? (1 Corinthians 6:19) He teaches us and comforts us; bears fruit in us. He guides us into all truth and seals us as children of God.  And yet, I can't figure what He must look like and His voice sounds so much like my own voice inside my head.  Sometimes I think that the presence of Holy Spirit in my life is simultaneously the most elusive and pervasive when compared to the Father or the Son.  He is ever present, doing the inside job He is called to - transforming me from the inside out; conforming me into the likeness of Christ, and yet sometimes seems so silent in this task.

Here's a fun Bible challenge for you - as you read your Word, take note of the resume of the Holy Spirit - all the things He has done - all the times He was present.  From Genesis on, this insider has been impacting history and revealing how God is closer than our breath. You will find this often silent partner to be quite active throughout the Word.

The mysteries of the God-head continue - but His presence in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit remains ever constant.

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