Monday, November 26, 2012 Posted by Unknown
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I am a recovering self-aholic.
There was a time when I really did think it was all about me. I was my first and last thought. My needs determined my decisions. I cared deeply about what people thought about me. Protecting mySELF was my number one goal.
During an intense self-aholic detox program, I discovered how my preoccupation with ME was robbing me of real life. I was missing out on opportunities to really connect with others and squandering a chance to fully live for Jesus. So, I died.
To self,
To self-centeredness,
To self-protection,
To self pity,
To self-preservation,
and found a "me" that was pretty stinking cool to be around. Now, that "me" lives by dying daily to all the self-stuff that had trapped me before. Who would have thought I'd become a better me by giving up mySELF? What a way to live!