He Said She Said
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Posted by Katie
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There must come a point in the life of a person who
struggles with depression, when they realize they cannot always trust their own
thoughts. They must take what they say to themselves with a grain of salt when
depression lingers. They cannot fully base decisions or general life
impressions on how they feel, because their feeling “processor” is broken. It
is a frustrating thing to live this way, knowing that you cannot simply think
things through as you were designed to do.
Depression is frustrating, but it doesn't have to carry
power over the direction your life takes. I like to think I am the captain of
my own ship and depending on the direction I wish to go, I can decide which
wind I want to fill my sails. Will it be my own? Will I huff and puff and
attempt to let the hot air coming out of my own irrational mouth and heart fill
the sails of my life? Or will I sit back, shut up and position my sails to
catch the current of His steady, true and powerful thoughts?
Here is what I know: Depressive or self-defeating thoughts
can get a little noisy for my tastes and I don’t like the direction they take
me. Instead, I have come to rather enjoy the quiet of a true sailing adventure,
myself. When faced with the question of which
wind will fill my sails, my answer must always be, “What He said.”