Journey to the Nations: To India By Way Of Facebook

Sunday, October 21, 2012 Posted by Joline

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Years ago we supported a little girl in the Philippines via Compassion International. Sadly, she moved to a village that was not supported by Compassion and we lost track of her.

Aside from a gospel choir mission trip to England with fellow Fast Fuel writer, Anitra, I have not done any international mission work. My husband, on the other hand, has, and I support from and ON the home front.

Clunky transition.

I love Indian food. Literature by Indian authors. Films set in India. Indian jewelry. I own a Sari. I have worn it. When my son was 3 months old, I failed to bring a bottle of breast milk to an outing at an Indian restaurant with some visiting missionaries, and was wearing that sari. With no way to nurse at the table and a hungry baby, the restaurant diluted some Indian rice pudding for me. Zane drank it down. Happily. And quickly.

So when Bikash's emergency case was shared on Facebook a few weeks ago by a friend of mine who is a supporter of Compassion International, I clicked "message" without even stopping to pray, and told her that my family wanted to support him. I saw his picture and KNEW. Our family needed to partner with Bikash who lives in India with his mother.

We have now "adopted" this 7 year old boy and recently sent off our first note to him. I realize it's not the same as being there, but if my consistent donation can be of assistance to him, then I've been faithful to the nudge God gave me when the Bikash's situation first presented itself.

And some say Facebook is a waste of time.

Funny. God used Facebook to introduce us to this boy on the other side of the world who has been waiting a year for a sponsor family.


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